The Thrifty Nova Sensor Hat is designed to work with the Thrifty Nova to provide visual feedback and dedicated power for external sensors. The Sensor Hat sits on top of the Nova and screws down into the tapped 6-32 holes while maintaining access to the status LEDs from the Nova itself.
The Sensor Hat provides a voltage divider and an analog buffer to adapt 5V analog sensors into the Nova. It also has a level shifter to convert 5V signals to 3.3V digital signals, allowing the user to use 3.3V or 5V digital sensors. All digital signals have a green LED that will turn on when the signal is low, which pairs nicely with the red LED on the Thrifty Hall Effect which is normally high and turns low when a magnet is detected.
Lastly, the top 10 pin connector provides an easy way to either position the sensor hat away from the Nova or allow for encoder inputs via a ribbon cable while still enabling limit switch and analog inputs.
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